New to Cycling?
Are you new to Cycling? Then please read some simple 'good to know' tips for when you are cycling on the road. As a Cycling club, we must comply with the highway code which means we must use basic hand signals and pause at junctions where required. You are also required to wear a helmet on all club rides otherwise you will be turned away, for your own safety.
Here at Sodbury we do what we can to offer support to those who are relatively new to road cycling. Although we do not have the capacity to cater for completely new riders we do offer a Green ride on the first Sunday of every month. We aim for these rides to be as flat as possible however due to the nature of the local terrain there are usually a few lumps and bumps in the roads. Approximately halfway into the ride there will be a coffee stop to relax and refuel. If you or anyone needs to stop for any reason (such as a puncture) during the ride then be sure to let your fellow riders know.
Also, please see below some useful hand signals you should be aware of before joining a club ride. If you are ever unsure, then please do speak up to another club member on the day.
Hand Signals

It is important when riding on a club run to stay safe and understand some essential hand signals. The illustration to the left shows the hand signals and descriptions of what each signal means.
Hand straight up in the air.
Group is stopping for a junction, puncture or because there is an obstruction in the road.
Move one hand as if gently patting a dog.
Group is slowing down or just easing things back a bit.
Waving/Pointing behind back indicates that there is an obstruction such as a parked car or pedestrian and that the whole group needs to move in the direction indicated to avoid it.
Left or right hand extended out to the side.
Direction of turn/change in direction coming up.
Pointing down at the road sometimes with a circulating motion to an obstruction on the road such as a pothole or drain cover that needs to be avoided.
Be sensible with this one and only point out major obstacles.
This signal is often accompanied with a call of "below".
For the Highway Code 2022 click here.
It covers everything drivers today need to be aware of:
New changes to the Highway Code
How to be considerate around cyclists, pedestrians, and horse riders
What to do if there’s an accident
Here are just some of the insights the guide offers:
The Highway Code changes follow the Mayor of London’s pledge to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries that occur as a result of road traffic by 2041.
The new rules state that you can cross a double white line (usually prohibited) in order to overtake a cyclist if they are going under 10 miles per hour, provided it’s safe to do so.
It’s important to pay particular attention to these rules about overtaking, as overtaking led to a shocking 141 fatalities on British roads in 2020.

We have created a few local routes which you can give a go before joining a club ride. Why not give yourself a challenge to try and complete the routes below as quickly as possible.
Route 1: ( )
Distance: 16 miles Elevation: 724ft
Descriptor Times:
Gold: Speed, 15+ Time; 1hr:04:00 or less
Silver: Speed, 13-15mph Time; 1hr:14:00 / 1hr:04:00
Bronze: Speed; 12-13mph Time; 1hr:21:00 / 1hr:14:00
Route 2: ( )
Distance: 18 miles Elevation: 1016ft
Descriptor Times:
Gold: Speed, 15mph+ Time; 1hr:13:00 or less
Silver: Speed, 13-15mph. Time; 1hr:24:00 / 1hr:13:00
Bronze: Speed, 12-13mph Time; 1hr:31:00 / 1hr:24:00
Route 3: ( )
Distance: 20 miles Elevation: 838ft
Descriptor Times:
Gold: Speed, 15mph+ Times; 1hr:20:00 or less
Silver: Speed, 13-15mph Times; 1hr:32:00 / 1hr:20:00
Bronze: Speed, 12-13mph Times; 1hr:40:00 / 1hr:32:00
Below are also some useful videos & links to help you with any cycling related issues you may have and direct you to any further information.
GCN are a cycling themed channel that cover all aspects to do with cycling. Racing, Tech, Maintenance & general fun videos to watch.
Terry Cycles are Sodbury local bike shop. With countless years of experience & knowledge in the cycling industry & a high qualified bike mechanic you can count on a immaculate job if your bike needs fixing